Blog Posts

Democratic Community Activist John Alge Endorses Jerry! (Adams County)

Jerry has worked for win-win public policy at the local level, county level, and state level. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he worked with JeffCo elected officials in the state legislature to ensure Colorado taxpayers had the relief they needed to pay their property taxes. Jerry has a tenure of public service and has demonstrated his selfless commitment to transparency and to the people of Colorado. I support Jerry and I urge you to support Jerry DiTullio for Colorado State Treasurer.

John Alge
Democratic Community Activist & Thornton City Council candidate
Adams County

Real Treasurer Experience Matters!

Signing of SB21-279 by the Governor at the JeffCo Admin Building. This bill allowed county treasurers to waive late interest and take multiple payments on property taxes during COVID. JeffCo Treasurer DiTullio worked with Senator Tammy Story on the bill language and advocated for the bill through the 2021 legislative session.