
About Gerald “Jerry” DiTullio

I am a Colorado native and I am a resident of Jefferson County within the City of Wheat Ridge. I was born in North Denver near the old Elitches and grew up in the house that my father and mother built in the early 1950s. I attended Edison Elementary, St. Mary Magdalene Middle School and Holy Family High School.

I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science & Management from Metropolitan State University (MSU). I earned my M.B.A. from Regis University and also earned a Master in Education (M.Ed.) from Regis University in 2016. I received my teaching license in Special Education (SPED) from Regis University. I am also endorsed to teach iEnglish/Lang Arts, Social Studies, Career & Technical Education (CTE, ACE, Business Pathways), Business & Marketing and Elementary Education.

Over the years, I have changed careers by my own choice. I believe, “It is always in one’s best interest to keep re-inventing yourself. It helps keep your mind clear and open.” I have owned a software consulting company and a coffee shop in Wheat Ridge. Additionally, I have worked as a banker and a special education teacher in Jefferson County Public Schools at Wheat Ridge High School (WRHS). My last day with WRHS and Jefferson County Public Schools was December 31, 2018 due to winning the election for Jefferson County Treasurer.

I was first elected to Wheat Ridge City Council in 1995 and was elected Wheat Ridge Mayor in 2005. In November 2015 I was elected City Treasurer and in November 2018 I was elected Jefferson County Treasurer.


City of Wheat Ridge Elected Offices (1995-2018):
Jefferson County Elected Offices (2018-Present):

I enjoy working with stakeholders on win-win public policy. Some of the groups/projects that I have worked on include:

Vision, Leadership, Experience and the Proven Ability to Get Things Done!

“Ask not what your country can do for you – Ask what you can do for your country.” - John F. Kennedy

JeffCo Treasurer Success Stories

As you know, I was elected Jefferson County Treasurer in the November 2018 election, and re-elected in the November 2022 election. Since taking office, my staff and I have been making great strides in improving several areas of the JeffCo Treasurer’s Office. Due to the 2020-22 pandemic, it has taken resiliency to assist JeffCo taxpayers and to keep our County and special districts funded to provide vital services. The virus has affected taxpayers physically, mentally, and financially. Many citizens have lost their jobs, their businesses and/or have been furloughed causing a financial strain on personal budgets. Thanks to House Bill 20-1421 and Senate Bill 21-279, which I supported and testified on, my department and I worked with taxpayers in 2020 and 2021 on waiving interest on late payments and accepting payment plans on property taxes for residential and commercial properties.

We made every effort to assist property owners in paying their property taxes in JeffCo. In 2020, my department distributed CARES Act Funds and other COVID grants to local businesses and non-profits based on the criteria from the federal government and the Jefferson County Commissioners. I will continue to support and work with all taxpayers and our special districts in 2022 and beyond. We are all in this together. Let’s do our best to protect each other and each other’s mental and financial health – shop local and live local.

Fiscal Transparency

The new Treasurer’s Office financial reporting system, which includes the General Fund, Treasurer’s Budget and Quarterly Investment Portfolio, is now available on the JeffCo Treasurer’s webpage under “Financial Reports” and “Treasurer’s Notes”.


I have reduced the Treasurer’s Office expenses by $107,000 in 2020 and by $100,000 in 2021. Beginning in 2020, to save taxpayer dollars on mailings (and some trees), my office mails out one, not two, annual Property Tax Notices. We continually cross-train within the Treasurer/Public Trustee Department to enhance customer service for the public.

Customer Service

Our office is making every effort to have phone calls answered by a live person, and to return all voicemails by the end of the same business day. Our office hours have been adjusted to 7:30 am – 5:00 pm. We have also added a “Chat” function on the JeffCo Treasurer webpage.

Breaking Down Silos

The Treasurer’s Office is communicating with the public, the County Commissioners and other JeffCo departments more than ever before. Additionally, the Treasurer’s Office is supporting the Clerk & Recorder and the Sheriff’s Office with banking services and internal financial services, such as money orders for the County Clerk’s Office for passports. See Treasurers Notes or Financial Reports

Public Trustee Duties

I have assumed additional duties and staff as the Public Trustee pursuant to HB 19-1295. Commencing on July 1, 2020, the County Treasurer for each Class 2 county (Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, Mesa, Pueblo and Weld) became the Public Trustee for their county. For more information, please see the JeffCo Public Trustee webpage.

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