Blog Posts

UPDATE: Jeffco Treasurer – May/2020

Tax Payments During COVID-19 Outbreak

Golden Transcript Article – 4/27/2020


Effective March 17, 2020 Jefferson County offices are closed to the public due to COVID-19. As a result, at this time the Treasurer’s Office cannot accept cash payments for taxes. Taxpayers are strongly encouraged to utilize alternative methods to pay their taxes including the following:

* Mailing a check or money order by U.S. mail or overnight service to (please write your Property ID Number a.k.a. PIN on the check):

Jefferson County Treasurer
Attn: Jerry DiTullio
100 Jefferson County Pkwy, Ste 2520
Golden CO 80419-2520

* Calling the Treasurer’s automated payment system at 866-898-2919. (Note: Additional fees may apply, and waiver of interest policies cannot be applied with this type of payment.)

* Dropping off payments at the drive-thru Tax Payment drop-box or the drop-box located in the atrium of the Jeffco Courts and Administration Building – please do not drop off cash at these locations.

* Making payments by wire transfer or ACH – please contact our office to obtain Electronic Transfer Instructions by calling (303) 271-8330, or email us at

* Online payments are accepted through our Treasurer Property Records Search Application. (Note: Additional fees may apply, and waiver of interest policies cannot be applied with this type of payment.) More information on how to pay your taxes using these methods is available on our payment options page.

The Treasurer’s Office will be closed to the public until at least June 1, 2020. Please call our main number 303-271-8330 or email us for questions or if you would like to make an appointment to pay in cash (mask required).

Due to the uncertainty created by the COVID-19 outbreak, I encourage all taxpayers to use these alternative payment options even after County offices reopen to the public. This will help to ensure the safety of the general public as well as the Treasurer staff, and will assist in our efforts to timely and efficiently process your payments.


Real Treasurer Experience Matters!

Signing of SB21-279 by the Governor at the JeffCo Admin Building. This bill allowed county treasurers to waive late interest and take multiple payments on property taxes during COVID. JeffCo Treasurer DiTullio worked with Senator Tammy Story on the bill language and advocated for the bill through the 2021 legislative session.