Hello Jeffco Taxpayers,
As of June 24, 2021, Jefferson County is approximately ten percent lower in property tax collections than in June 2020. As you know, many counties, including Jefferson County, have just adopted the “All Clear” pandemic status on May 16, 2021. Many taxpayers are still struggling to pay their property taxes. Several counties have received substantially less than the average year with many individuals and businesses still struggling to recover from the effects of COVD-19.
In an effort to collect delinquent property taxes and to make special districts and the county whole with regards to collections and distributions, The Treasurer’s Office will be waiving delinquent property tax interest (per Senate Bill 21-279) from June 16 through September 15, 2021 to encourage property owners to pay their delinquent property taxes in 2021. There is still a declared emergency in Colorado and not everyone is recovering at the same speed from COVID-19. This one-year-only measure should help taxpayers get caught up in 2021 and avoid a tax lien sale.
See Link for Plan Approved by the County Commissioners: Resolution Approving Plan
Jerry DiTullio
Treasurer/Public Trustee