Hello Jeffco,
As your County Treasurer, I have been making every effort to assist Jeffco property owners in paying their property taxes in Jefferson County based on the unprecedented COVID virus affecting taxpayers physically, mentally, AND financially. Many citizens have lost their jobs, their businesses or have been furloughed causing a financial strain on personal budgets.
Since March/2020 through August 31, 2020, my department has been accepting multiple payments and waiving late payment interest in an effort to support taxpayers in paying their property taxes.
** Thanks to HB-1421, We have extended waiving late interest and accepting multiple payments through September 15, 2020.
I do not want to send anybody’s property to the yearly Tax Lien Sale in November/2020 if we can avoid it. In July/2019 we mailed out approximately 7,300 delinquent tax notices. In July/2020 we mailed out approximately 11,000 delinquent tax notices. The vast majority of taxpayers have been great to work with and they are making every effort to work with the County. I am proud of Jefferson County taxpayers, and I am proud of my department working with taxpayers in a professional and empathetic manner. For more information please call 303-271-8330 or visit our website for payment options.
We are all in this together. Let’s do our best to protect each other and each other’s mental and financial health – shop local and live local.
The following link is a to a recent CBS4 interview which talks about HB-1421, special districts and the waiving of late payment interest through August 31st.